Bring the Body And The Mind Will Follow

[39:35] Kinda Sorta Derogatory. Mental Capacity of Newcomers. The Fortune of Our Misfortune. A Life of Mysticism and Miracles. Surviving Moment To Moment. Difficulties Of Early Recovery / First-Year Adjustments. People, Places, & Things. Common Bond of Alcoholism. Difficulty Getting Along With Others. Year-Two Challenges. Internal Battles. A Shameful Past / A Living Nightmare. Devils. The Miracle of Recovery. Working The Program. Year-Three Challenges. No More Excuses. Getting Your Brain Out of Hock. Time Takes Time. Suit Up and Show Up. As Sick As Our Secrets. Wreckage. A Process of Healing. Playing On The Tracks. Resistance To AA. Squirreliness. The Brain-Washing Story. Stinking Thinking. Nullified Doubts & Misconceptions. The AA Waltz / Newcomer Topics. Sticking With The Winners. Old-Timers. The Onset of Drug Problems in AA. The Progression of The Disease. The Osmosis Story. Osmosis Defined. Absorption Analogies. One Day At A Time. Life On Life’s Terms. Just Kinda Sorta Happens. Suit Up, Show Up, & Grow Up.

LICENSE FOR THIS TRACK: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Post-Arlen Monologix / Maverick88. Please refer to WWW.POST-ARLEN.COM for additional information.

PLEASE NOTE: The content of the podcast episode in no way reflects the attitudes, opinions, or positions of Alcoholics Anonymous or any other Twelve-Step Recovery organization, but is rather the personal experience of the speaker. It is, as always, advisable to “take what you want and leave the rest”, and confer with others who have experience with Twelve-Step Recovery to form a broader scope of understanding on the subject at hand.

For more information on Alcoholics Anonymous, please visit AA.ORG. If you require immediate assistance, please call the 24-hour AA Help Line at 800-839-1686.




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