Change Or Die

[51:37] Way Back In The Way Back / Attributions. The Man I Was. Downward Spiral. Horrible Managers. We Agnostics / Step Two. A Power Greater Than Ourselves. Taking Suggestions / Turning Our Will Over. Sobriety Is An Unnatural State. A Need To Be Shown The Way. Torn Between Life & Death. Unworthiness. Resistance To The Good Coming My Way. Keep Me Drunk & Get Me Dead. AA Waltz. Bringing God Into It. Proving Out AA. Came To Believe / Trusting AA. Compliance / Submission. Self-Will Run Riot. Getting What We Want. Learning To Care About Others. Instincts Gone Awry. Drinking and Gluttony. Drinking To Survive. A Frayed Mentality. Self-Awareness Gone Awry. Ego-Maniac With An Inferiority Complex. EGO Easing God Out. Taking The Reigns. Vanity, Humility, & Self-Loathing. Peeling The Onion / Unmasking The Self. Selfish To Selflessness. To Thine Own Self Be True. The Fact Of Our Insanity. Character Building. Compiling Victories / Life On Life’s Terms. Overcoming Distrust. The Keys To The Kingdom. Suiting Up & Showing Up. From Taking To Giving. Integrity & Generosity. The Practice of Altruism. The Profound Transition. From Bum To Reliable. The Primary Purpose. The Real Purpose. A Fully Functioning Member of Society. Miracles Are Waiting.

LICENSE FOR THIS TRACK: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Post-Arlen Monologix / Maverick88. Please refer to WWW.POST-ARLEN.COM for additional information.

PLEASE NOTE: The content of the podcast episode in no way reflects the attitudes, opinions, or positions of Alcoholics Anonymous or any other Twelve-Step Recovery organization, but is rather the personal experience of the speaker. It is, as always, advisable to “take what you want and leave the rest”, and confer with others who have experience with Twelve-Step Recovery to form a broader scope of understanding on the subject at hand.

For more information on Alcoholics Anonymous, please visit AA.ORG. If you require immediate assistance, please call the 24-hour AA Help Line at 800-839-1686.




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