(RECORDED DATE: 8-02-23)

(00:01:55) INTRODUCTION.

August In Texas. Ammo Reloading “Re-Do” Projects. Ammo Testing. 45 ACP Case Problem. 9MM Light-Load Problem. Surgery Concerns / Medical “Science”. Eye Surgery Meat Market Part 1. The Lung Cancer Story.

Follow-up on the Franklin Arsenal “Pile Driver” Bullet Puller. Color-Coded Reloading Tool Manufacturers. Lee Precision. Press Variants. The Lee Auto Bench Prime.

FM Farm-To-Market Roads & RM Ranch-To-Market Roads. Highway 281 / Hill Country. Interstate 35. TXDOT Agricultural Road System. Impact of The Urban Sprawl. Escape Into The Country. Great Texas Country Highways: US 69, US 82, & US 80. Colson-Briscoe Act (1949). Random FM Facts.

Breaking Protocol. The Apocalypse Project. Wacky End-Times Pseudo Pop Culture Shit / Futurist Eschatology. The End Times & Christian Zionism. Darby, Herzl, The Lotus Group, and Scofield. Variants of Zionism. A Different Perspective on Revelation. The Centricity of Revelation 17 / Symbolic Absolutes. The Seven Angels & The Judgement of The Great Whore. Saint John The Apostle. Intentional Bastardization. The True Religion & The Anti-Religion. Abel & Cain. The Line of Cain. Technology & Urban Living. Naamah, Mother of All Demons. The Great Whore / Mystery Babylon. Sumeria / Cradle of Civilization. National Variants of The Anti-Religion. Mysticism & Mystery. The Anti-Story of The Anti-Religion / Zechariah Sitchin. Good vs Evil. The Goddess Ashera & Kabbalah. Solomon & Israelite Idolatry. Monotheism vs Polytheism. The Creator & The Created. The “Consort” of God Horseshit. The Failure of the Israelites. Asherah Poles. The Link Between Mystery Babylon and Asherah. Two Buckets of Faith. Restoration & Usurpation. Molech & Child Sacrifice. The Same Old Same Old.

(01:58:58) THE NEW ABNORMAL:
A Good Simple & Full Life. The Tentacles of The World & Negativity. Absolute World View. Internal & External Battles. Suckage. Orientation Toward Good or Evil. Crown of Life & Second Death. The Morass of Civilization. Information / The News Cycle. Propaganda. Collusion of Government Agencies With MSM. Operation Mockingbird. Infiltration of TV News / Covering The Footprints. MSM Propaganda. Culture War Merry-Go-Round. Decoupling. Citizen Reporting / Counter-Intelligence. Alex Jones & Infowars. 911 Was An Inside Job. The Truth Movement. Elite Class / New World Order. Being Wealthy / Protecting Wealth. The Acquisition of Wealth. Lie, Cheat Steal, & Kill. Controlling The Narrative. Clinton / Lewinsky. The Pizzagate “Conspiracy Theory”. The Boystown Scandal / DC Gay Pedophilia Culture. Madison Cawthorn Accusations. The “Debunking” of Pizzagate. James Gordon Meek / ABC News / Child Porn. Cultural Cancer / Sick World. The Swamp Of Humanity. Ignorance. Uval Harari / Internet Bans. Doubt In Government. The Shadow Government. Hillary Clinton / Anthony Wiener Laptop. The Alternative Media. The Future Dystopia. The Knowledge of Good & Evil. Satan Owns The Fence.

LICENSE FOR THIS TRACK: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Post-Arlen Monologix / Maverick88. Please refer to WWW.POST-ARLEN.COM for additional information.

ATTRIBUTIONS: “Yee-Haw” sound clip (102437__shawshank73__scottstoked-yeehaw.wav) by shawshank73 ( “Sad Piano” sound clip (416057__psovod__sad-ending-piano-1.mp3) by PSOVOD ( The songs “Maverick88” and “ReverendMotherForklift” used with permission.

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