(RECORDED DATE: 5-31-23)

Back To Work. Spring 2023. Allen TX Hailstorm. Adam & Eve & Weeds. The 2023 Uglyscape. Monsanto Round-Up. Dallisgrass. St Augustine’s Grass. Home Depot & Bidenflation. FMSC Volunteer (Feed My Starving Children) Richardson TX. The Ultimate Job Knife. Kershaw Knockout. Cold Steel Recon 1 Tanto. S35VN Steel. Cold Steel AD10. CRKT Razel Series. House Of Blades / Fort Worth TX. Texas Burnout Kids. Star Trek Picard / Lezbo Kiss. Star Trek TNG Fan Service. The Sopranos / James Gandolfini. Gray-Beards Saving The Galaxy. Old Bikers & Meteor Burger. Bad-Ass Hot Texas Biker Chili. AMA & Outlaw Bikers. 1%er Bikers. The Big-Four Dominant Clubs: Hells Angels, Outlaws, Pagans, Bandidos. Other 1% Clubs. Diamond 13 / Support Clubs. RC Riding Clubs. MM Motorcycle Ministries. Confederation Of Clubs & Independents (COCI) Meetings at Southern Junction. Former Texas State Senator Don Huffines. Outlaw Dominant Club Networks. CMA. Double-Outlaw Clubs. Alpha Males Imposing Dominance. OKC Whiskey Barrel Saloon Shoot-Out; Rolling Shoot-Out I-45 Montgomery County TX; Lubbock TX Biker Incidents; Red River NM Rally Shooting. Biker Ethos of Vengeance. Biker News Podcasts: “Insane Throttle” & “Black Dragon”. Biker-Like Teen Years. Mid-Life Crisis Harley Dude. Motorcycle Ministries. A Hill To Die On. Star Trek / Worf. RMHF. Vengeance Is The Key. Reconciliation. Orthodox / Sober Motorcycle Clubs. Fascination With Mob Movies. Good & Evil.

LICENSE FOR THIS TRACK: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Post-Arlen Monologix / Maverick88. Please refer to WWW.POST-ARLEN.COM for additional information.

ATTRIBUTIONS: “Yee-Haw” sound clip (102437__shawshank73__scottstoked-yeehaw.wav) by shawshank73 ( “Sad Piano” sound clip (416057__psovod__sad-ending-piano-1.mp3) by PSOVOD ( The songs “Maverick88” and “ReverendMotherForklift” used with permission.

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