What Is Alcoholism?

[43:45] A Variety Of Answers. The Solution Defines The Problem. The Importance of Defining Alcoholism. Dictionary Definition. Step-Based Programs. Alcoholism As A Moral Failing. The Doctor’s Opinion / Allergic Reaction. No Medical Solution. NIH / NIAAA Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Professionally-Led (Medical) Treatment Options. Program of Recovery Efficacy. The Spiritual Nature of Recovery. A Spiritual Malady. “Is AA For You” Pamphlet. Twelve Questions. The Jumping-Off Point. Beliefs And Approaches. Faith-Based Spiritual Solutions. Higher Power / God As We Understand Him. Playing God. God On God’s Terms. Transition From Self-Centeredness. Character Building. Plugged Into The System. Opinion: Medication and Conscious Contact. Brain Damage. Show Up & Grow Up. Life on Life’s Terms. Initial Reaction To AA. Stick With The Winners. Broken Religion. We Agnostics. Innocent Victim.

LICENSE FOR THIS TRACK: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Attribution: by Post-Arlen Monologix / Maverick88. Please refer to WWW.POST-ARLEN.COM for additional information.

PLEASE NOTE: The content of the podcast episode in no way reflects the attitudes, opinions, or positions of Alcoholics Anonymous or any other Twelve-Step Recovery organization, but is rather the personal experience of the speaker. It is, as always, advisable to “take what you want and leave the rest”, and confer with others who have experience with Twelve-Step Recovery to form a broader scope of understanding on the subject at hand.

For more information on Alcoholics Anonymous, please visit AA.ORG. If you require immediate assistance, please call the 24-hour AA Help Line at 800-839-1686.




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